This morning I found this news very odd and interesting. Free laptops on the computer education courses is becoming increasingly a norm to attract the students in India, the same has been done by an american school, namely Lower Merion School District but for different reason. The shocking revelation is that the free laptop hand-outs were meant for web-cam spying purposes.

Please proceed further to know more about the result of this highly interesting crime done by the school…

Earlier this year, the Lower Merion School District apparently handed over the computers to all of its school students. It is sooner discovered by the students that the school issued computers tended to activate their webcams to track the activities of the students and shoot the photos back to administrators. Apparently the FBI has decided not to bring any charges in the case after all, and the various families of the students settled with the school district out of court. And yes, the schools have discontinued the tracking program. The result of this revelation was that Lower Merion School District will be paying off kids who got zinged by its laptop tracking program — to the tune of some $610,000.


Lower Merion School District


Very interesting to see the wry smiles on the student’s faces, huh??!!